Company introduction
Company SportSoft offers professional timekeeping services in the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia. We are leader in the area of providing the complete service for organizers of both amateurish and professional events of any size.
Our services are high-quality, with maximal emphasis on innovations and functionality. We are able conform almost to all demands of customer and in very short time. During development of our service we are coming from in the long term acquired experience, but at the same time we are cooperating with professional sportsmen from concrete fields.
Our customers are amateurish and professional organizers of sport events, sport clubs, companies, e.g. König Ludwig Lauf, Nova Author Cup, Skadi Loppet, Malevil Cup, Sela Marathon, Kolo pro život (Bicycle for Life), Šumavský skimaraton (Bohemian Forest Marathon), Sundisk, serie 24 hour races ORTIKA 24 MTB SERIES 2010, Vinařská 50 and many others…